I never wanted life to be so complicated seriously..
Tell me how much would it cost to get a pair of listening ears.
♥ 4:08 PM
I am suppose to do my homework.
But ahya.. lazy leh. haha.
So I decided to blog.
well, i am still alive and kicking! =)
Life had been mundane.
I shall post some random stuffs..
On the 17 jul, went shangri-la to have buffet after school.
My aunt's treat for my birthday.
I was under-dress that day la, I wore a tee and jeans.
neh neh, i ask my aunt what to wear, she says jeans and tee shirt can already, no need to be so nice.
When i reach, my cousin shawn wore shirt and jeans.
and samantha wore dress. zzz

food was not bad. nice ambience.
Service there is awesome, imagine when i reached i ask the front desk lady where is the resturant, she put down her work and bring me over.
thanks for the dinner.
you know,
as we move on, we meet different people and i cannot please everyone.
i am trying to move on..
the smile is no longer genuine.
♥ 10:10 PM
Left 4 Dead!
Anyone interested in playing lan game with me? =)
♥ 9:24 PM
First day of school.Pretty good. Except for the long long long journey! =.='
7 BZE students in the same class.
when girls are together, we always gossip. haha!
Trained back home with them was fun!
Train was so noisy with our laughter! I hope it continues to be like that for another 3 years. =)
I pray that my exemption for Biz com, OB, stats will approve!
I feel so guilty for ps-ing jason and qiudan for dinner.
Damn sorry!
Thurs: Meeting ah lame for lunch!
Fri: Meeting qiudan, shihui and angie after school.
Sat: Ling's birthday chalet.
Sun: Sleep at home!
♥ 8:39 PM