Yes, I know my blog is developing cobweb! haha.
ahya. Lazy what.
Pretty much things happen these days.
- Term Test.
- Slackest holiday I ever had for the past 3 years.
- Pot Luck Party at Sentosa with my awesome classmates.
- Was hospitalise for a day, which worries alot of people.
I promise I will be a dear during weekdays and do my work! =)
HAPPY 2009 TO ALL!!!
May all of you be happy everyday!
♥ 10:10 AM

Suffering from
Toss and turn on my bed for the whole night.
Took out my lect notes,
but nothing gets in.
try will sleep early everyday.
I should have some self-discipline.
Peeps, I am fine.I am thankful that I have so many friends around who care.
At least I know I am not alone.
You guys in my heart helped my through problems,
good and bad.
You all are wonderful people with good hearts to lend =)
♥ 9:31 AM
Pictures will speaks a thousand words.
no mood to blog the details.

I wish i was a little kid again.
I want someone to take care of me.
I want someone to clean up my messes and remind me what's right from wrong.
I want to be awed at, even if what i'm doing isn't that cute.
I want to be yelled at before i make the same mistakes again
i want to be held in someone else's arms while i cry my heart out.
♥ 12:06 AM